Untitled is a handmade crocheted shawl that intends to be a hybrid between a mantón de Manila and a fishnet with limpet seashells sewed into it. This piece illustrates complicated family relationships and points out the sensation of feeling pressured and trapped, but at the same time loved by the same person. Both elements that I used - the fishing nets and Manila shawls - are  artisan elements characteristic of Spain, specifically Galicia, and are normally handmade by women. I used these elements to create a mix between comfort, home, love, warmth and discomfort, feeling trapped,and immobility. Additionally, the main element of the shawl is limpet shells. All the shells included in this work where collected by myself over the years on the beach where I spent the summer since I was a baby with my maternal family, and many of them my mother helped me to collect. I chose the shells of the limpets because they are mollusks that cling to rocks and ships, and once stuck they are practically impossible to separate. This textile sculpture is presented in a series of photographs created to showcase all of the feelings detailed previously in the way that the piece interacts with the body.

© Copyright Vera Crisóstomo Rodríguez 2023